1) When did PMC begin and what was the vision for the church?
Pilgrims Mennonite Church was formed in 1977 to be a group small and intimate enough that true accountability between members would be a reality. Emphasis remains on discipleship and taking seriously the teachings of Christ.
Mutual support is key to our life together. We aim to support each other in all areas of life. Since its beginnings a mark of the congregation has been willingness to care for one another and to be supportive in times of need.
2) How does a new person get involved at Pilgrims?
Typically, a first step after visiting Pilgrims worship is to talk to our pastor, who can help you consider joining a small group and suggest other ways to be involved. Any Pilgrims member can also tell you more about Pilgrims, and put you in touch with the pastor or any Leadership Team member.
3) Can you tell me more about small groups?
Small groups play a key role in providing mutual support and pastoral care. Major church decisions may be referred to small groups for discussion prior to congregational meetings.. Small groups may engage in activities such as Bible and book study, learning activities, and fun and fellowship. The essential purpose is to provide a place for each person to give and receive the kind of support that is essential to being disciplines of Christ. Each small group works out how best to do this. Small groups are typically 6-10 persons and small groups are re-organized every third year.
4) How do new persons become a member of the fellowship?
We love to welcome new members! When a person is considering joining the fellowship, they express that to the small group (or a contact person designated by the Leadership Team if not in a small group), who can answer their questions about Pilgrims life and help them decide if they want to become members. Actual membership involves signing our Pilgrims Statement of Mission and Commitment (covenant). This can take place any time during the year. Pilgrims also typically offers baptism classes and baptism yearly for youth/adults who have not been baptized.
All Pilgrims renew their membership at the Pentecost Sunday Service each year. The Leadership Team initiates the re-covenanting process a few weeks before so people have time to reflect and indicate their intentions prior to the service.
5) What happens when a person who attends PMC has a personal need?
Small groups make sure people get "emergency" assistance when it is needed, for example, meals when someone is ill, help when someone is moving, etc. The leadership team or someone designated by them, makes sure this happens for people not in a small group. Structures are in place to help individuals or families with financial needs. Cost for counseling is also covered, up to 4 sessions annually.
6) Who takes care of pastoral needs?
Small groups are a key place where pastoral care occurs. Small groups may work together to meet specific pastoral needs, may designate a person within the group to give time to a specific need or assist in finding support from outside the group for a specific need. The pastor works with small groups and with Leadership Team to make sure pastoral needs are met.
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