Below are frequently asked questions about Pilgrims Mennonite Church. Check out Third Way Cafe's Who Are the Mennonites? FAQ. Print PMC FAQ.
1) When did PMC begin and what was the vision for the church?
Pilgrims Mennonite Church was formed in 1977 to be a group small and intimate enough that true accountability between members would be a reality. Emphasis remains on discipleship and taking seriously the teachings of Christ.
The aim of the fellowship is to involve all areas of life in the Christian walk and support each other in that walk through involvement in each other's lives. Since its beginnings, a mark of the congregation has been willingness to care for one another and to be supportive in times of need.
2) Tell me about the Sunday worship service.
The group meets weekly on Sunday at 9:30 a.m. - about 11 a.m. for corporate worship. It takes place at the Welcoming Place in Akron (Behind the MCC offices at 21 South 12th St. 17501). There are worship and song leaders as well as a worship planning team.
We continue to use a variety of activities in worship, such as teaching, drama, music, storytelling, silence, and sharing. All members are encouraged to use their gifts in worship. Children are encouraged to participate in various ways including music, Scripture reading and drama.
3) What do people wear to services and what does the worship area look like?
Our worship format and dress is informal. People will come dressed in a variety of ways: slacks, skirts, jeans, dresses, tee or dress shirts, sweaters and an occasional sport coat. We accept diversity in dress as well as in theology and lifestyle.
4) How many people attend Sunday worship services?
Attendance varies --- between 25-50 people is common most Sundays.
5) I enjoyed my first visit. How do I know when and where the Sunday worship services will be the rest of the month?
While most of our church services are at the Welcoming Place, do note that we occasionally have worship services elsewhere. Please contact anyone on the leadership team to be put on the email list to receive weekly announcements which give information about services.
6) Okay. I've visited regularly. What is the first step in getting involved with Pilgrims formally?
Please feel free to contact anyone on the Leadership Team if you would like to become more involved (we are an informal church so you could talk with anyone and they will direct you to someone on the Leadership Team.)
The Leadership Team:
● Assists new people in feeling at home
● Gives new persons handbooks and answers questions about Pilgrims
● Encourages new people to get involved in church as interested and appropriate, including arranging for them to use their gifts
● Discusses their interest in joining a small group or in church membership.
7) Can you tell me more about small groups?
Small groups have a key role in discussing and making decisions in the church. Besides this, different small groups have included Bible and book study, personal sharing, discussion and socializing. The essential purpose is to help each of us give and receive the kind of support that is essential to being disciplines of Christ. Each small group works out how best to do this.
8) How are new people incorporated into small groups?
All members and regular church participants are welcome in small groups Leadership Team coordinates assigning new people who have expressed interest to small groups, considering factors such as group size and geography. When a new person is in a group, the members help with orientation and ask the new person how they would like to be involved in church life. If a person is not able to be in a small group and wishes to join the fellowship, the person would work the decision through with a person or persons selected by the leadership team.
9) How do I become a member of the fellowship? I have enjoyed my experiences at Pilgrims and can affirm the Statement of Commitment.
When a person wants to be a covenant member, they express that to the small group (or a contact person designated by the Leadership Team if not in a small group), who recommends them for membership. This can take place any time during the year.
All Pilgrims renew their covenant membership at the Pentecost Sunday Service each year. The Leadership Team initiates the recovenanting process a few weeks before so people have time to reflect and indicate their intentions prior to the service.
10) What happens when a person who attends PMC has a personal need?
Small groups make sure people get "emergency" assistance when it is needed, for example, meals when someone is ill, help when someone is moving, etc. The leadership team or someone designated by them carries deacon responsibilities for people not in a small group. Structures are in place to help individuals or families with health-related expenses and financial needs. Cost for counseling is also covered, up to 4 sessions annually.
11) Who takes care of pastoral needs?
Small groups are the primary place where pastoral care occurs. Small groups may work together to meet specific pastoral needs, may designate a person within the group to give time to a specific need or assist in finding support from outside the group for a specific need.
12) Is there a pastor? What is the Leadership Team?
We do have a half-time paid pastoral elder who serves on our Leadership team. This Team oversees church life. While the group works together as a team, they divide their responsibilities:
13) How are formal decisions made by the congregation?
Our by-laws state that all decisions shall be by consensus of all members attending the meeting. Our policy has been to announce all major decisions prior to a congregational meeting, so if a member is not able to be present, she/he/they can send comments to Convener before the meeting. Decisions are to be made by consensus of members.
Since we have frequently had people among us who are regular church attendees but are not covenant members, we have had a policy of also encouraging those people to attend and participate actively in congregational meetings. A copy of our consensus model for decision making is included in the Pilgrims Handbook. This handbook is given to all new people who would like a copy.
14) How does PMC deal with church finances?
A weekly offering is taken as a symbol to our children, and to adults, that giving is part of our life together. Contributions can also be made directly to the treasurer.
PMC gives some of its contributions to church-wide programs and ministries. The remaining funds go primarily to local organizations chosen by the congregation. A member is assigned as a contact person for each organization. A list of organizations to which Pilgrims gives is available on this website's Giving Projects page.
15) Do you have organized activities for your youth?
Pilgrims has three clubs for our children. Each has sponsors who develop age-appropriate activities for the groups. Older children help the sponsors develop the activities and take leadership in those activities as appropriate. The groups are:
16) What role do children play in PMC life?
Pilgrims considers children an important part of the church community. Children are nurtured and guided so they develop their gifts in the church community. The congregation celebrates rights of passage in children's lives with the following traditions/events:
17) How can I use my gifts and help with the tasks that are done at Pilgrims?
In addition to the Leadership Team, there are many ways you can contribute to church life.
Individuals are also asked to list things they would like to do for worship services. A list is then compiled and distributed to the worship planning team, worship leaders and song leaders. These tasks includes:
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