Pilgrims Mennonite Church
PO Box 217, Akron PA 17501
We welcome you to our worship on Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m. at the Welcoming Place, 21 South 12th Street in Akron, Pennsylvania. Akron is located in Lancaster County, PA between Harrisburg and Philadelphia.
The Welcoming Place is a cluster of colorful buildings behind the Mennonite Central Committee office building. A parking lot separates the office from the Welcoming Place buildings. PMC meets in The Meeting Place, the building farthest from the parking lot.
Here are two ways to get directions to the Welcoming Place:
1) Google door-to-door directions (includes map)
2) General text directions from east and west (37 K PDF document).
Akron is located in Lancaster County in southeastern Pennsylvania (USA). The county is referred to as the Garden Spot, long known for its fertile soil and prosperous farms. Many tourists come to our county each year to experience this region's culture, folklore, crafts and beauty. Lancaster County has a rich Mennonite and Amish heritage.
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